Get Involved with CAC

Invest In Your Community Today

(CAC’s tax ID number is 20-510-7584)

Dear Friends of CAC,   CAC is committed to promoting the Arabic culture and identity through its programs and events and through providing a home to the Arab American community and a platform to all Arab American artists, writers, intellectuals, musicians, and educators.   Help us sustain and expand our mission of “Building Bridges & Connecting Cultures.”  

In 2023 we fulfilled all our promises.  

  • We spearheaded the First Arab American Book Fair in MA in partnership with our friends at Interlink Publishing

  • CAC 9th Annual Festival was, for the first time, open and free to the public, attracting more than 400 attendees and featuring exhibits, musicians, artists, designers, vendors and restaurants.

  • We established JAZAL, CAC Adults Choir, with 25 members currently preparing for a diverse repertoire and working with world class musicians to present classic and contemporary Arabic music in unique and unprecedented ways.

  • We expanded collaborations with public libraries and academic institutions across MA.

  • Started an after-school program with the Boston Public Schools serving 60 elementary school students teaching them Arabic language and arts.

We achieved all this because of you!

Your trust has been our motive and beacon!  

We are launching our Year-End Campaign with a goal of $50,000 that will help us sustain our mission and continue to build new programs to serve the community!  

Our goals for 2024 are to:

  • Expand CAC after school program to include more public and private school across MA teaching them Arabic language, music, and arts.

  • Allow CAC Choir and Ensemble to travel to schools, libraries, and community centers across MA.

  • Present cultural workshops to the community to build awareness and understanding.

  • Offer continuing education workshops for teachers at private and public schools.

  • Implement a rigorous marketing plan to help CAC expand its community outreach and build strong partnerships.

  • Plan the 10th Annual Festival and book fair free to the public.

It is the time support YOUR CAC

Let us partner together to preserve and share our culture   

We cannot accomplish this without YOU! Please Donate to CAC Today! Thank you for your trust and continued support.    

Alma Richeh,
CAC Executive Director
CAC Board of Directors
The Entire Team at CAC

Make a Difference - Monthly Giving

The Center for Arabic Culture’s “Monthly Giving Program” allows you to support the organization’s mission on a recurring basis by way of monthly automatic bank checks or credit card payments.  Your contribution helps us to continue offering outstanding programming and deliver excellent service to our community.


  • It enables you to commit on a level that is affordable to you and to plan your annual giving over 12 months to accommodate your budget and goals

  • You receive a single, consolidated receipt for all your donations in the calendar year in January of the following year

  • You don’t have to write checks or buy stamps – saving you time and money, and your donation will never get lost in the mail


  • Your contribution is automatically issued from your bank account or credit card on the 1st or end of each month as desired and this date can be changed at any time

  • Your monthly giving plan is automatically renewed every year, until you advise us otherwise


  • Your contribution, whether small or large, will make a difference day after day, month after month

  • You contribute to providing a continuous and reliable source of funding in support of continued excellence in programming, teaching and outreach

  • Your contribution is tax-deductible (CAC’s tax ID number is 20-510-7584)


  • You can start right away simply by calling us at 617-893-1176 or writing to us at

  • You just need to tell us the amount you want to give each month, what you want your donation to be used for, whether you will send an automatic bank check or make monthly automatic credit card payments

  • You can increase, decrease, pause or stop your monthly contribution at any time simply by calling us or writing to us





Please Be Generous and Invest in Your Community

Please continue to be generous as our services are unique and are not offered anywhere else in Massachusetts.
Your donation of $10, $50, $100, $500 or any amount will make a big difference!

Do not forget to check with your employer about matching fund!  

CAC is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed
by the current tax code. CAC’s tax ID number is 20-510-7584